sábado, 31 de mayo de 2014

Resultados estadísticos de la encuesta sobre las elecciones europeas / Statistical results of the survey on the European elections

PREGUNTA 1A ¿Está usted enterado de las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo? / Are you aware of the elections to the European Parliament?:


PREGUNTA 1B ¿Sabe cuándo son? / Do you know when they take place?:                



PREGUNTA 2 ¿Va a votar? / Are you going to vote?:


 PREGUNTA 3 ¿Sabe usted cuántos países forman la Unión Europea? / Do you know how many countries make up the European Union? :


 PREGUNTA 4 ¿Cree qué el tiempo de duración de la legislatura (5 años) es adecuado? / Do you think that the duration of the term (5 years) is appropriate?:



viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

Resumen de las actividades del Día de Europa


El día 9 de este mismo mes celebramos todo el colegio el DÍA DE EUROPA, como todos los años y para dar comienzo un vídeo en honor a ese día en el salón de actos con todos los cursos de primaria y secundaria. Al terminar la presentación, cada curso tenía una tarea diferente, hacer murales, hacer ejercicios sobre la UE…
INFANTIL, vieron un vídeo sobre las banderas europeas, que les gustó mucho. Más tarde, todos los alumnos hicieron un mural enorme en el que en el centro había un niño abrazando el mundo, en el que estaba marcada Europa. Alrededor, las banderas y las estrellas. Después colorearon un pequeño dibujo, también de la UE.
1º y 2º de EP, Lo primero se informaron sobre que es Europa, los diferentes países, y las estrellas. Después pintar banderas y la importancia del Euro. Por último un juego sobre los países de Europa.
3º Y 4º de EP, hicieron a lo largo de la mañana un mural que se titulaba “VIAJAMOS POR EUROPA”, que rellenaron con banderas de los diferentes países que forman la UE y monumentos más representativos de dichos países.
5º y 6º de EP, los más mayores del cole pasaron el día preparando partidos políticos, pensando lo que iban a explicar a todos sus compañeros de otros cursos para conseguir el mayor número de votos y ganar las elecciones. Para ello crearon diferentes pancartas con su lema, con su escudo…
1º de ESO, los alumnos de 1º realizaron una presentación PPT en la que respondían a diferentes preguntas sobre la UE y el Parlamento Europeo como… ¿Qué son los años europeos? O ¿Cuándo vota cada país?
Después de ese cuestionario, eligieron un país e hicieron un gráfico con los datos de ese país como población…
Por último un pequeño cuestionario sobre los partidos políticos que se presentan a las Elecciones del Parlamento Europeo.

2º de ESO, realizaron diferentes ejercicios sobre la UE, Parlamento Europeo, elecciones y partidos políticos recopilados en un PPT. Después un mural de las palabras que habíamos visto en el vídeo de presentación sobre el Parlamento Europeo.

3º de ESO, de toda la clase, sólo 3 personas hicieron un cartel publicitario, el resto por parejas otro cartel, pero este de cada partido político y algunas de las ideas principales de esos partidos.
4º de ESO, Al comenzar la mañana y después de ver el vídeo en el salón de actos, preparamos diferentes preguntas sobre la UE y el Parlamento Europeo, con el fin de salir a la calle entrevistar a diferentes personas sobre su conocimiento sobre esos temas.
La clase se dividió en grupos de 3 personas, y sólo uno de los grupos fue el seleccionado para ir al ayuntamiento de Alagón y entrevistar a uno de los concejales de dicho municipio. Este grupo se encargó de hacer diferentes preguntas como ¿Cómo se preparan ustedes para las Elecciones Europeas a nivel de Ayuntamiento?
Todas nuestras dudas fueron respondidas gracias a Juan José Gálvez y Lidia (Concejal de educación y representante de administración).
Después de la entrevista fuimos al colegio a recopilar toda la información, los grupos que habían estado por la calle sacaron una sola conclusión a cada pregunta, y el grupo que fue al Ayuntamiento pasaron todas las preguntas a un ordenador seguidas de las respuestas ya bien redactadas.

Noelia Cuartero Latorre


On the 9th of this month all the school celebrated Europe Day, as every year and to start we had a video to honor that day in the big hall with all primary and secondary students.  When the presentation finished, every group had a different task: making murals, doing exercises about the EU…
Small children watched a video about the European flags which they liked a lot.  Later, all the pupils made a huge mural which had a boy in the middle hugging the world,  in it Europe was marked. Around it, the flags and the stars.  Then they colored a small picture of the EU.
First and second year of Primary had to know what Europe, the different countries and the stars were.  Then they had to paint flags and see the importance of the Euro.  Lastly, they made a game about the countries in Europe.
Children in third and fourth year, made a mural called. “We travel all over Europe”, along the morning.  They filled with flags and most important monuments the different countries which form the EU.
The oldest primary students spent the day preparing political parties, thinking what they were going to explain to their mates to get the highest number of votes and win the elections.  For it, they created different banners with a sentence and a coat of arms.
The students in 1st ESO presented a PPT where they answered to different questions about the EU and the European Parliament such as… What are the European years? Or when does every country vote?
After the questionnaire, they chose a country and they made a graph with the figures of the population of that country.
Finally, they made a small questionnaire about the political parties which take part in the Elections to the European Parliament.

2nd ESO students did different exercises about the EU, the European Parliament, the elections, the political parties and were presented in a PPT.  Later they showed a banner with the words that we had seen in the video.

Only three students of 3rd ESO made an advertisement, the rest of the students made different banners for the different political parties and some of the main ideas of those parties.

We, the 4th year students, after watching the video in the main Hall, prepared different questions about the EU and the European Parliament, in order to go out to the street to interview different people about their knowledge about these subjects.
The class was divided in groups of three and only one of the groups was selected to go to Alagon Town Hall and interview one of the members of the council.  This group had to ask different questions such as… How do you prepare the European Elections in the Town Hall?
All our doubts were answered thanks to Juan Jose and Lidia (the Education representative in the council).
After the interview we went to the school to put together all the information, the groups which had been in the streets got an only conclusion to each question, and the group which went to the Town hall wrote all the questions in a computer followed with correctly answers.

  Noelia Cuartero Latorre

Le 9 de ce mois toute l'école a célébré la Journée de l’Europe, comme chaque année et pour commencer une vidéo en l'honneur de cette journée dans le hall avec tous les cours primaires et secondaires. Après la présentation, chaque cours a eu une tâche différente, faire des peintures murales, l'exercice de l’Union européenne...

ENFANT, ils ont vu une vidéo sur les indicateurs européens, qu’ils ont beaucoup aimée. Plus tard, tous les élèves ont fait une immense murale dans le centre il y a un enfant étreignant le monde, qui a été marquée en Europe. Puis ils ont coloré un petit dessin, aussi dans l'UE.

1er et 2ème EP, premier ils doivent savoir ce que l'Europe, les différents pays, et les étoiles. Après drapeaux de peinture et de l'importance de l'euro. Enfin un jeu sur les pays d’Europe.

3e et 4e EP, ils ont fait au cours d'une peinture murale ce matin, qu’ils ont appelé " Nous voyageons en Europe» qu’ils ont rempli avec des drapeaux des différents pays qui forment l'Union européenne et les monuments plus représentatifs de ces pays.

5ème et 6ème EP, la plus âgée de l’école ont passé la journée à préparer les partis politiques, de penser ce qu’ils allaient expliquer tous leurs copains d'autres cours pour obtenir le plus de votes et gagner les élections. Ils ont créé différentes bannières avec le slogan, avec son bouclier...

1 º ESO étudiants ont effectué une présentation PPT qui a répondu à différentes questions sur l'UE et le Parlement européen...Comme Quels sont les Années européennes? Ou Lors du vote de chaque pays?
Après ce questionnaire, ils ont choisi un pays et fait un graphique des données de ce pays que les gens... Enfin, un court questionnaire sur les partis politiques en lice pour le Parlement européen.

2 º ESO, différents exercices effectués sur l'Union européenne, les élections au Parlement européen et les partis politiques se sont réunis dans un PPT. Après une murale des mots que nous avions vu dans le vidéo de présentation sur le Parlement européen.

3 º ESO, 3 personnes ont fait une affiche, toutes les autres paires une autre affiche, mais ce de chaque parti politique et quelques-unes des principales idées de ces partis.

4º ESO, après avoir vu la vidéo dans la salle, nous avons préparé différentes questions sur l'UE et le Parlement européen, afin de sortir d'interroger différentes personnes au sujet de leur connaissance sur ces sujets.
La classe a été divisée en groupes de 3 personnes et un seul groupe a été sélectionné pour aller à l’Hotel de ville d’Alagon et d'interviewer l'un des conseillers de la municipalité. Ce groupe a été chargé d'effectuer différentes questions comme Comment êtes-vous pour les élections européennes?
Toutes nos questions ont été répondues grâce à Juan Jose Galvez et Lydia (conseiller de l'éducation et la représentante et de l'administration).
Après l'entrevue, nous sommes allés à l'école pour recueillir toutes les informations, les groupes qui ont été  dans la rue ont pris une conclusion à toutes les questions, et le groupe du conseil municipal a transcrit l’entrevue à l’ordinateur.

 Noelia Cuartero Latorre

Resumen de nuestro trabajo de campo / Summary of our field work

Interview with Juan José Gálvez, city councillor for Culture at Alagon

On May 9th, Europe day, three 4th ESO students from our school (Nuestra. Señora del Castillo) went to our village’s town hall to help us to resolve some questions about the European’s parliament elections on May 25th and  they were received by Juan José Gálvez and Lidia.

Juan José Gálvez (city councillor for Culture)

  1. What do you think the opinion of the citizens will be?

Nowadays, citizens are reluctant about politics; politicians might have been the cause. Due to the crisis, politicians are trying to find solutions and everyone is well informed of what is happening thanks to the media, so citizens are in a mood that does not induce them to vote.
For us (politicians) abstention is a form of punishment; Let people go and vote what they want but go and vote. People need to be aware of the importance of elections.
It is believed that there will be too much abstention, passivity in relation to the elections in Spain; according to a survey only 17% of people will attend the European elections.

  1. Do you think that the town hall should inform citizens more about the elections?
The municipality has to try to mobilize people without focusing on one party or another, encourage people to vote with information above all.

  1. How do parties prepare themselves for the elections? Do you agree how the campaigns trails are done?
Each party prepares their candidates, one of them months before and another one leaves it to just some days before the election.
It must be someone who carries out the ideas of Europe well and also those affecting to Spain. It’s done in a different way by each party.

  1. What do you think about the participation’s decrease in the elections? Why do you think that happened?

It seems a very sad fact that impoverishes each country and sometimes people are not well informed that there are European elections. People usually participate on a higher degree at Municipal elections.

  1. Can you give us an example of a decision taken by the UE which affects our village?

There are different decisions such as the subject of grants, expenditure control and of course, the issue of globalization.

  1. What strategy to attract people is the most effective in your opinion?

Clarity on the campaign trail, know what is at stake.

  1. What’s your opinion about the rising of minority parties and the related decrease of the major ones?

The big parties work harder so they surfer more and the smaller parties don’t surfer the same as they.
Technically, there is no plurality of parties in other countries like England where there is a bipartisanship. Here in Spain, the big parties work harder so they suffer more and the smaller parties don’t suffer the same, so minority parties know they can propose good things but they do not know if they will be able to maintain them if they win the elections. These parties are more popular or even more populist.
What they propose is a "play to the crowd"

  1. Which was the method used to elect your representatives?
They are chosen in Madrid; the Central Committee organises a meeting in which conclusions are drawn, because it’s really difficult councillors would vote to elect their representatives, it would be almost impossible to do.

  1. Would you like your opinion was taken into account?
I would if there were optimum information channels

  1. Do you agree with the number of deputies in parliament?

It’s decided depending on the number of citizens, I mean, the more habitants a country has, the more deputies they have. The minimum deputies number is 6 for countries as Malta, for example, because if we used another way to choose the number of deputies, they would just have nearly one.

    1. Do you agree with that sistem?
Yes, because I think that is a logical proportion.
    1. Do you think they are really necessary?
I don’t know, I think that fewer deputies might work better and we could save money.

  1.  Would you like to take part in the parliament one day?

No, I think we must let young people take that places. Politics wear you out and one of the causes of disaffection is that politicians are always the same.


Lidia is in charge of representing the administration at the polling station on the 25th May with her partner Ana. She controls 4 of the 7 tables that will be in the village hall “Alaun” the election day.
Some years ago, data was transmitted to the government delegation by phone. Nowadays, it’s transmitted with PDAs and some tablets have an application for people to keep track of real time as elections go.
We have been informed of the steps that take place on the ballot.
Stage 1: The representatives of the administration arrive at 8.00 AM with the members and polling supervisors. The polling place opens at 9.00 AM. The secretary takes the information to the Government Delegation
Stage 2: At 2.00 PM the first census of votes is done
Stage 3: At 6.00 PM the census of votes is done to the media
Stage 4: At 8.00 PM the polling place is closed and votes are counted. The secretary fills in the information of the polling tables
Stage 3: At 18:00 PM turns to conduct a census of voters, this time for the media.
Each polling station is chaired by two members and a polling supervisor who take turns. There must be always at least two components at the polling place.
The representatives:
-Agents: They oversee the different tables on behalf of his party. They have to vote in the delegate’s table.
-Controller: He’s the responsible of a table and he has to have the accreditations which must be characterized with the party’s logo